Friday, April 13, 2007

GeForce 8800 Ultra - NVIDIA has one more hurrah on the "G80" processor

Shortly after the mid-range GeForce 8000-series launch, NVIDIA has another trick up its sleeve: the GeForce 8800 Ultra.
Roadmaps provided by NVIDIA reveal the 8800 Ultra will launch on May 1 with a price point of $999. The company would not reveal further specifications about the card, other than it is based on the same G80 core found in the GeForce 8800 GTX.
The $999 price point suggests the 8800 Ultra may actually be two 8800-series cards in one package. NVIDIA launched the multi-PCB initiative GeForce 7950 GX2 last year as the last high-end push on the GeForce 7000-series GPU.
The GeForce 7950 GX2 was actually two GeForce 7900 GT processors on two PCBs in an SLI configuration. Running two of these cards in a PC was essentially the same as running Quad-SLI.

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