Thursday, April 5, 2007

Intel to support AMD Crossfire / Part 2

Hi people!
I wanted to share some other information to you about Intel chipset support of SLI or (unforetunately) better to say Crossfire. I thought I've remember a moment a year ago, where Intel decided to push Crossfire technology over SLI. Again I was right, but I thought that Nvidia was to blame for that! Well I was wrong, and after google-ing around all night I found what I was looking for! It seems that because of some reason known to Intel, and good relationship with ATI, Intel decided to include support for Crossfire.

Intel could be the real culprit behind the incompatibility between NVIDIA SLI and the new Conroe platform. Earlier NVIDIA has been blaimed for SLI not working with Intel's 975/965-based motherboards, but now it seems that it could be Intel that is stopping NVIDIA.

Here's the link to entire story

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