Saturday, April 14, 2007

Interview nVidia Europe - Video - Warning it's on French

Following the publication on O/C TV, which presented a short interview of Stephan Quentin, person in charge for the relations presses nVidia Europe of the south. We wanted this time to propose the complete version to you.
Good numbers of questions are treated there. Amongst other things, various ranges of chipsets left by the firm, the role of electric consumption, SLI 2, the future of the GPU G80, G81, the point of view of the company with respect to the overclocking and still well of other, with final ton of infos which should like greatest number the.
Good visionnage with all.

Just my quick comment is that this text was translated from French. So below are original links, with links to google translating service. And a link to Episode 2 of O/C TV which is on English (yey...)

Interview nVidia Europe - French

Interview nVidia Europe - Translated text

Last link is the direct link to O/C TV, second TV show which include (and it's on English!!:

- Little summary on the First episode, some nombers, problematic...
- Overview of new AMD's chipset : AMD 690
- Piece of the arriving interview of nVidia South Europe (G80, i680...)
- Piece of the arriving interview of Intel France on arriving products (Quadcore, overclocking...)
- Interview of a famous overclocker : Shamino from VR-Zone.

This last guys name sound familiar :-))))))

Syndrome-O/C TV : Episode 2 - March 2007 - English Version

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