Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Budget PSU Roundup with HardwareCanuck

Well here we are on my first PSU review here or anywhere else for that matter and this one is going to be a big one. This roundup will focus on four budget-minded power supplies which range in price from $45 to $75 with one power supply being included in the price of a $120 case. I will give all these units a thorough going-over and put them through a battery of tests. I suggest you read this whole review as in many places I will refer to performance differences between the units. You should also know that these are all on an even playing field as they were all purchased by me so I do not want ANY of them to fail.

Just my quick comment that this review is good because it includes two EVGA 7900GTO cards in test! So you can see how much quality and reputation of PSU is important in setting up SLI comp. So here it goes Sparkle, Nmedia, Enhance and Antec go head to head....

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