Wednesday, April 11, 2007

CrossFire on a Stick - 'Just Say No' To Four GPUs

"Double your pleasure, double your fun." Well that is what Wrigley's stated about its Doublemint Gum. When 3DFX launched Scan Line Interleave for the Voodoo 2 it proved to be true as 1024x768 never saw such amazing frame rates. Later on the world was wowed with SLI once again with Scalable Link Interface. Nvidia pushed the envelope again for more performance but ran into the same proverbial brick wall that 3DFX did with the Voodoo 5 6000. Two cores were awesome but four was a bit too much to handle.

Not to be left out of the excitement (or the profits from selling 2 cards instead of one), ATI joined the party late in the game. While the first version of CrossFire with Radeon X850s was not a crowd pleaser, later versions were much more user friendly and pack some punch. Although AMD, Intel and Nvidia started toying with quad processor configurations ATI decided to steer clear.

Just my quick comment is that this card received a good review on TH
, but I really don't see what is the reason for this. Since that dual graphic card got beaten my single 8800GTX and even in some benchmarks by 8800GTS. Not to mention that this product in not finished yet, but still TH hopes to see that this type of cards will work in Crossfire combination, and they expect that it will outperform SLI configurations. Nvidia has a solution that works, and Ati? Well you be the judge for yourself.

Ah well speculations, speculations (or better to say marketing gimmicks)....

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