Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Velocity Micro Gamers' Edge DualX Custom Gaming Computer

I know that you're probably tired of so many links and reviews of complete based systems (Alienware, Dell, Velocity Micro etc.) but it's just that there are so many reviews around the web, that it's a shame not to mention it....

When you are looking for an ultimate gaming PC there are not a lot of choices. It's not like you can go down to your local Best Buy or Circuit City and get a great gaming PC. At those retail stores you will find basic consumer systems, no hardcore gaming systems. So where do you turn if you want a top of the line gaming PC where you can choose the components inside and have it professionally built for you? Velocity Micro is one of the few companies out there that will do this for you. Today we will be taking a look at their Gamers' Edge DualX Custom Gaming PC. We will see how it performs against our test system and compare results to the price of each system.


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