Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Wrapping up on CeBIT 2007 - Intel P35 to support AMD Crossfire

Hi people
I was just surfing around the net, and thought that I've give you pretty much all details on SLI and news around it... but I've unforetunately read one article that dissapointed me! No it's not Nvidia it's Intel (again) :-(
I mean... why does Intel produces motherboards with Crossfire?! About 0.1% people use it! It's a waste of time and valuable pci/pci-e slots! Ah... I'm going home now, and this news really bothers me!

We expect AMD to announce Crossfire support for Intel P35 on the chipset's launch, if this Foxconn presentation slide is anything to go by at least.The Foxconn board we've snapped showing the Crossfire support looks suitably high-end, with support for up to 8GiB of DDR2-800, a 1333MHz front-side bus, Core 2 Quad and Fox One overclocking support.

We're not sure what IC they're using for IDE support, since the ICH9R I/O processor doesn't suppport any IDE channels (ICH8 was the first to drop it). Foxconn say pricing should be competitive with other boards with the same rough feature

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